Cataloging and Metadata Services

Cataloging and Metadata Services processes several thousand items each month in many different formats and languages. We create, maintain, and improve accurate descriptions of resources in the Libraries’ collections for the University Libraries Catalog, the Library's online bibliographic database. We provide subject and other access pathways that enable users to find the resources they are seeking. We create metadata for our digital collections and load large record sets for electronic resources, all of which are aggregated in our discovery layer/search. Cataloging and Metadata Services provides bibliographic and physical processing for materials housed in the Pattee and Paterno Libraries, the University Park branch libraries and Annex locations, and campus locations throughout the Commonwealth. We actively participate in the component programs of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC).

Select Cataloging documentation may be accessed from the following SharePoint folder:  Shared PSU Cataloging Web Files. Currently, the folder contains PDF versions of our Bibliographic Processing Cataloging Rules (BPCR) and Record Creation documentation. If you are searching for any additional documentation, please contact us.

Department Contact Information

E003 Paterno Library.
140 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802

Cataloging and Metadata Services Staff

Name Title Email Office Phone
Serials Cataloger
Metadata Strategist
Serials Cataloging Librarian
Monographs Cataloger and Acquisitions Specialist
Music and AV Cataloger
Library Services Specialist
Library Services Specialist
Digital Access Coordinator
Music and AV Cataloging Librarian
Project Cataloger
Interim Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services
Monographs Cataloger
Special Projects Cataloging Librarian
Library Services Specialist
Cartographic Materials Cataloger
Digital Access Specialist and Monographs Cataloger
Serials and ETD Cataloger and Authority Control Specialist
Monographs Cataloger
Special Collections Cataloger
Digital Access and Metadata Specialist
Music and AV Cataloger
Supervisor and Cataloging Specialist
Principal Cataloger and Linked Data Strategist
Special Collections Cataloger
Library Services Specialist