Library Instruction Request Form

Fields marked with a * are required.

Thank you for booking library instruction! We remain committed to the safety and support of our students, colleagues, and community, and we will work with you to identify flexible and safe options for integrating information literacy instruction into your courses. These options include:

  • in-person learning in a library or your classroom
  • online synchronous classes on Zoom
  • asynchronous web-based learning objects, such as tutorials and LibGuides
  • embedded librarian options

Please continue to collaborate with your librarian to identify the best options and strategies for you and your students.

Your Information

If you are teaching an asynchronous class, please fill in the assignment due dates instead of possible class times.

Possible Class Times. Please specify the date, time (if applicable), and number of students in your class.

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
You may request a specific librarian - we will try to accommodate.