The Libraries’ STEM Department furthers teaching, research, and entrepreneurship through consultation, engagement, instruction, and outreach to the Penn State community. We have expertise in scholarly communication  and information resources in the areas  of agriculture, earth and mineral sciences, engineering, health, nursing, and the sciences. We partner with instructors in resident and online instruction to enhance student learning. Our department develops innovative services, such as Virtual Reality, and sustainable programs to promote inclusion and knowledge discovery in STEM.  We carefully curate unique and high-impact collections of both physical and digital materials.
At University Park we are distributed across four physical locations within the Paterno library and embedded throughout the campus. STEM subject areas include:

Department Contact Information

E408 Paterno Library
140 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802-1810

STEM Staff

Name Title Email Office Phone
Head of STEM for Engagement and Outreach