Experts by Subject

Expert Name and Location Subject Expertise Email
Heidi Abbey Moyer
Heidi Abbey Moyer
Folklore and Folklife Studies, Foodways and Food Studies, Museum Studies, Jewish Studies, Art and Architectural History, American Studies, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Tara Anthony headshot with a metal and glass staircase in the indoor background.
Tara L Anthony
University Park
librarian graphic for when no photo available
Cori Biddle
Agriculture, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, Education, Environmental Science and Resource Management, Geography, Geosciences, Health and Human Development, Kinesiology, Exercise, and Sport Science, Mathematics, Meteorology, Nursing, Nutrition, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Statistics (Mathematical)
Portrait of Ellysa Cahoy with green, sunlit trees in the background
Ellysa Stern Cahoy
University Park
Adult Education and Workforce Education, Children's Literature and Literacy Education, Counselor Education, Education, Education: Organization, Development, and Change / Training and Development, Education: Policy and Leadership, Educational Psychology/School Psychology, Higher Education, International and Comparative Education, Learning Design and Technology, Science and Math (STEM) Education, Social Studies and World Languages Education, Special Education
Alexandria Chisholm Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, Chemistry, Health, Kinesiology, Exercise, and Sport Science, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physics
Matt Ciszek
Matthew Ciszek
Community, Environment, and Development, Social Studies and World Languages Education, Sociology
Carmen Cole
Carmen Cole
University Park
Business and Economics, Enterprise Architecture, Information Sciences and Technology, Management Information Systems
Angela R Davis
Angela R Davis
Chemistry, Engineering, Environmental Science and Resource Management, Mathematics, Physics, Science and Math (STEM) Education, Statistics (Mathematical)
Laurin Davis
Laurin Davis
University Park
Graphic Design, Art and Architectural History, Art Education, Art (Contemporary), Architecture, Landscape Architecture
Amy Deuink
Amy Deuink
Anthropology, Biology, Communication Arts and Sciences, Communications and Media Studies, Criminal Justice, Information Sciences and Technology, Nursing, Psychology
Head shot of Andrew Dudash with green, sunlit foliage in the outdoor background
Andrew Dudash
University Park
Government Information, Health Policy and Administration, Law, Political Science, Public Policy
Elliott Rose headshot, seated indoor next to a modern staircase with metal handrails and glass panels.
Elliott Rose
University Park
Geography, Geosciences, Meteorology
Head shot of Jacob Gordon with a frosted glass pan in the indoor background
Jacob Gordon
African American Studies, Anthropology, Communication Arts and Sciences, Comparative Literature, English Literature, French and Francophone Studies, German Language and Literature, Graphic Design, History, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Theatre, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Kristin Green Education, Library and Information Studies
Tara Grove headshot, wearing a dark blue top with a denim jean jacket, with sunlit greenery in the background
Tara Murray Grove
University Park
Applied Linguistics, German Language and Literature, Slavic Languages and Literatures
Russell Hall
Russell Hall
Business and Economics, Communications and Media Studies, History, Political Science
Sarah Hartman-Caverly Accounting, Business and Economics, Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Finance, Hospitality Management, Information Sciences and Technology, Management, Marketing, Mechanical Engineering
Head shot of Sara Hess with green, sunlit foliage in the outdoor background
Sara Hess
University Park
Agribusiness Management, Business and Economics, Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Hospitality Management, Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
Rebekah Hill headshot
Rebekah Hill
University Park
Music, Musical Theatre, Theatre
librarian logo
Janet Hughes
University Park
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, Forensic Sciences
Jane Ingold
Jane Ingold
Education, Engineering, English Literature, Game Studies, Social Studies and World Languages Education
Jennifer Jarson
Jennifer Jarson
Rehabilitation and Human Services, Health Policy and Administration, Criminal Justice, Biobehavioral Health, Library and Information Studies, Psychology
 Charles E. Jones
Charles E. Jones
University Park
Ancient Greek, Ancient Rome, Classical Mythology, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin, Philosophy, Religious Studies
Head shot of Sara Kern with a frosted glass pane in the indoor background
Sara Kern
University Park
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
Head shot of Jeff Knapp with green, sunlit foliage and the Old Main administrative building in the outdoor background
Jeff Knapp
University Park
Film-Video Studies, Advertising, Communications and Media Studies, Communication Arts and Sciences, Telecommunications
librarian logo
Amy C Knehans
Penn State College of Medicine
Head shot of Bernadette Lear with a frosted glass pane in the indoor background
Bernadette A. Lear
Adult Education and Workforce Education, Applied Behavior Analysis, Biobehavioral Health, Children's Literature and Literacy Education, Education, Health, Human Development and Family Studies, Kinesiology, Exercise, and Sport Science, Library and Information Studies, Nursing, Psychology, Sociology, Special Education
librarian logo
Valerie A Lynn
Portrait of Lori Lysiak with greenery in the background
Lori Lysiak
Accounting, Business and Economics, Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Information Sciences and Technology, Marketing, Mechanical Engineering, Rail Transportation Engineering
Head shot of Andrew Marshall with a frosted glass pane in the indoor background
Andrew Marshall
Greater Allegheny
Social Work
Head shot of Paul McMonigle with green, sunlit foliage and the Old Main administrative building in the outdoor background
Paul J McMonigle
University Park
Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
John Meier headshot
John J Meier
University Park
Electrical Engineering, Engineering
librarian graphic for when no photo available
Heather Moberly
University Park
Agriculture, Entomology, Mycology and Mushroom Production, Plant Sciences, Turfgrass, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Head shot of Emily Mross with a frosted glass pane in the indoor background
Emily Mross
Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Business, Information Sciences and Technology, Economics, Business and Economics, Management, Marketing
Portrait of Linda Musser with green, sunlit trees in the background
Linda Musser
University Park
Energy Resources and Engineering, Geography, Geosciences, Materials Science and Engineering, Meteorology, Mining and Mineral Resources
Eric Novotny headshot
Eric Novotny
University Park
History, African American History, Asian American Studies, Asian Studies, Middle East Studies
Headshot of Katie O'Hara-Krebs wearing glasses and a striped shirt with a denim jacket against a cream-colored indoor background.
Katie O'Hara-Krebs
University Park
Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations, Telecommunications
Manuel Ostos
Manuel Ostos
University Park
French and Francophone Studies, Iberian Studies, Italian Studies, Latin American Studies, Latinx Studies, Luso-Brazilian Studies, Romance Languages and Literatures
Professional head shot of Julie Park against a white background
Julie Park
University Park
Comparative Literature, English Literature
portrait of Kat Phillips
Kat Phillips
University Park
Health and Human Development, Health Policy and Administration, Nursing
Andrea Pritt
Andrea Pritt
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, Engineering, Engineering Management, Environmental Pollution Control/Environmental Engineering, Mechatronics, Structural Design/Construction Engineering Technology
Emily Reed
Emily Reed
Health Policy and Administration, Homeland Security, Criminal Justice, Political Science, Public Administration, Public Policy
Head shot of Tom Reinsfelder against a grey backdrop Forestry, Human Development and Family Studies, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy
Lauren Reiter
Lauren Reiter
University Park
Accounting, Actuarial Science, Business and Economics, Economics, Finance, Management, Risk Management
librarian logo
Jason Reuscher
Christina Riehman-Murphy Nursing
Heather Ross headshot, wearing a white top with black design accents and a black leather jacket, with sunlit greenery in the background
Heather Ross
University Park
Amy Rustic
Amy E Rustic
New Kensington
Communication Arts and Sciences, Communications and Media Studies, Marketing, Psychology
Nonny Schlotzhauer headshot
Nonny Schlotzhauer
University Park
Anthropology, Labor and Human Resources, Psychology, Social Work
Salah Seoudi headshot with a metal and glass staircase in the indoor background.
Salah Seoudi
University Park
African American Studies, African Studies, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies