Reserve Reactivation Request Form

Reserve Reactivation Request Form

Please read the following Terms of Use, then click on the blue box at the bottom of the page to continue to the request form.


    All materials will be placed on reserve at the request of faculty only for the noncommercial, educational use of students. Materials placed on Course Reserve will be made available for students and faculty only during semesters when the requesting instructor is teaching the course, and will be removed after the course is no longer in session.


    The University Libraries must purchase permission for the use of several thousand reactivated e-reserves per year, whether or not they are actually used by students in the course. If there are e-reserves on your previous semester's list that are no longer part of the curriculum, please use the "Reactivate Selected Items" option to specify the readings that are still needed, or the "Omit Selected Items" option to specify those that are not.

    If you would like to view your previous semester's list in order to identify e-reserves that are no longer needed, please contact the Course Reserves staff at your library.


    Reactivated Course Reserves materials are processed as follows:

    • Reactivated book/media reserves are processed in order of submission, and often must be reacquired from their original location. For fastest processing, we encourage you to bring library and/or personal copies of the requested items to your library's Course Reserves desk after completing the request form.
    • Reactivated e-reserves are processed in order of submission, and require 2-3 days on average to process. Last-minute requests can usually be accomodated during regular office hours.

    For more information on Course Reserves services and policies, please visit the Course Reserves Services website or contact the Course Reserves staff at your library.

Frequently Asked Questions

For complete answers to the following questions:

  • When will my reserves be available to students?
  • Are there any costs associated with reactivating electronic reserves?
  • How do I contact my Course Reserves staff with problems or questions?

please refer to the Terms of Use .

Contact/Course Information

The "Contact Information" box is for information about you, the person filling out this form. If you are not the instructor, then you will be prompted for some additional information about the instructor. If more than one instructor is teaching the course, please use the "Comments" box to list additional instructors .

The "Course Information" box is for information about the course for which the reserves are being requested. If the requested reserve materials will be used for more than one course, please use the "Comments" box to list additional courses.

Contact Information
Access ID:
Would you like to send a copy of this request to the above email?
( )   - ext.
Are you the course instructor?
Instructor Information
Instructor Name:
Instructor Access ID:
Course Information Comments
Semester Starts:
/ /
Semester Ends:
/ /
Course ID:
Course Title:

Information About the Reserves List

Please provide information about the course for which the reserves were previously used. Be careful to specify the correct list type.

Note: The University Libraries must purchase permission for the use of several thousand reactivated e-reserves per year, whether or not they are actually used by students in the course. If there are e-reserves (or book/media reserves) on your previous semester's list that are no longer part of the curriculum, please use the "Reactivate Selected Items" option to specify the materials that are still needed, or the "Omit Selected Items" option to specify those that are not.

If you would like to view your previous semester's list in order to identify reserves that are no longer needed, please contact the Course Reserves staff at your library . Please do not use the form to reactivate your entire list and then make changes.

Previous Course/Instructor Information List to be Reactivated
Previous Instructor's Name:
Check box if same as above.
Previous Course ID:
Check box if same as above.
Previous Semester:
Which type(s) of reserves would you like to reactivate?
Requests for e-reserves will be sent to the Course Reserves staff at Pattee/Paterno (in addition to the staff at the selected subject library if both types of reserves are requested).
Which items would you like to reactivate?

List the items you wish to reactivate

List the items you wish to omit from your reactivated list

Item : (E-Reserve) (Book/Media Reserve) Clear Item Delete Item