University Libraries Open House

About the Event

The University Libraries Open House event is an interactive and fun event that introduces students to University Library resources and services. Each year, thousands of students participate. Here's a snapshot of Open House activities:

  • Students tap their PSU ID+ cards or use their mobile ID to check-in at each location designated on the self-guided tour.
  • Students must visit a minimum of eight stops to complete the event.
  • Generous donors and volunteers make this event possible.
  • Faculty often require students to complete the Open House tour for course credit.

Visit our News and Events page for this semester's dates and times. We look forward to seeing you!

Information for Faculty

We invite faculty to encourage students to participate in this informative but fun event.

  • Consider requiring attendance as a homework or an extra credit assignment. By doing so, you will give your students an overview of our libraries and help support student confidence in doing research, while still reserving valuable class time.
  • Upon completion of the event, students will be able to show you what they've achieved. As noted above, students swipe their PSU ID+ cards at each stop they visit. When they're finished and have visited the Finish Line, they'll receive an email (to their Penn State email address) that details which stops they visited. The email contains a link to their completion certificate - students can either print it for you or forward the email to you.
  • The Open House "tour" is self-guided and takes about 50 minutes or less to complete. Students can come and go as they please during the two days of the event.
  • Give your students the edge they deserve! In previous years, 96% of students participating in the Open House said that the event helped them to learn more about the Libraries' many resources and physical spaces.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Open House, students will be able to:

  • effectively navigate the Libraries' physical spaces in order to locate needed resources and/or assistance from library staff and faculty;
  • recognize there are a variety of online resources available to them, including the Libraries' homepage, LionSearch, and the Ask a Librarian service;
  • navigate library-specific systems and tasks, such as Library of Congress call numbers and the group study room reservation system; and
  • feel comfortable approaching library faculty and staff for assistance.

Questions about the Open House should be directed to