About the PTRC
The University Libraries is home to one of three PTRCs in PA. Our PTRC is housed in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library at University Park. As a PTRC, Penn State Libraries representatives can:
- Provide access to USPTO resources
- Direct you to information and explain the application process and fee schedule
- Demonstrate how to use search tools to conduct a patent or trademark search
- Show you a directory of local patent attorneys who are licensed to practice before the USPTO
- Offer classes on intellectual property (varies by location)
- Offer assistance on how to do historical research on patents and trademarks
- Show you how to track current research by company or nonprofit
- Help you find assignee information and much more
Visit the PTRC Research Guide for more information.
History of the PTRC
The PTRC Program was established in 1871 to make printed patents available to the American public. Today, the overwhelming majority of patent and trademark information is available electronically and the mission of making it easier to find is carried on by a network of approximately 85 academic, public, state, and special libraries across the U.S. and in Puerto Rico.
PTRC Staff
- Sara Hess
- Lori Lysiak
- Denise A. Wetzel
Direct questions and requests for more information to Denise Wetzel at daw5086@psu.edu.