Policy UL-AD13 Banners (University Park)


  • Purpose
  • Procedures


To state the University Libraries' position on acquiring and displaying exterior banners for co-sponsored events.


If it is determined that a banner is desired for a co-sponsored event, the following procedures are applicable:

  1. Banners will be displayed only for programs co-sponsored with the Libraries. 
  2. The co-sponsoring department is responsible for all costs related to production, installation, and removal of the banner.
  3. The co-sponsoring department is responsible for consulting with the Libraries' Facilities Department, 814-865-9551, on the installation.
  4. The banner will conform to University visual and editorial standards, e.g., Penn State mark, etc.
  5. Recommendations on sign shops and designers can be obtained from the Libraries' Public Relations and Marketing Department, 814-863-4240.
  6. All banners (e.g., via proof submittal) must be reviewed by the Libraries' Public Relations and Marketing Department before production and installation.
  7. All banners must be constructed of appropriate material that provide correct airflow and can withstand the elements.

Effective Date: July 29, 2004
Date Approved: July 29, 2004 (Associate Dean)

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • November 2, 2009 – Editorial, addition of "exterior" to the purpose since we do not install indoor banners
  • August 14, 2007 – Editorial
  • July 29, 2004 – New policy

Last Review Date:  November 2009